meditation challenge

30 Day Meditation Challenge

GetMotivatedBuddies 30 Day Meditate Daily Challenge lets you take the first step towards reducing stress, improving focus and concentration, and increasing feelings of happiness and well-being. This challenge is for anyone looking to build a sustainable meditation habit and improve their overall well-being. With daily meditation sessions, support and resources, and personal growth and development, we’ve got you covered. Sign up now to get started on this journey with others.


No Porn Challenge

Join the GetMotivatedBuddies 30 Day No Porn Challenge and take the first step towards overcoming pornography addiction and restoring your dopaminergic pleasure-pain balance. This challenge is for anyone struggling with pornography addiction and looking for support and resources to break the cycle and make positive changes in their lives. With daily check-ins and peer support, we will help you develop strategies for abstention and work towards restoring balance. Sign up now and let’s make positive changes together.


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group challenges for motivation